Im Rahmen der benutzerdefinierten Installation von SwyxIt! kann die Option TAPI Service Provider installiert werden. Falls Sie SwyxIt! bereits ohne TAPI Service Provider installiert haben, können Sie diesen auch nachinstallieren: Systemsteuerung, Programme und Funktionen, SwyxIt!, Ändern, Modifizieren.
Hierbei handelt es sich um eine sogenannte 1st Party TAPI (First Party, Client basiert).
Eine sogenannte 3rd Party TAPI (third Party, Server basiert) unterstützt die SwyxWare derzeit nicht.
Der SwyxIt! TAPI Service Provider (TSP) ermöglicht es Anwendungen, die ebenfalls die TAPI Schnittstelle unterstützen, die Telefonie Funktionalität mit zu benutzen. Typische Anwendungen sind
- CRM Systeme
- ERP Systeme
- andere Systeme wie z.B. Datev
Der SwyxIt! TSP erfordert TAPI 2.x. Falls die TAPI Client Anwendung eine ältere TAPI Version verwendet (z.B. TAPI 1.4), dann werden die entsprechenden Funktionsaufrufe durch die TAPI konvertiert. Falls eine Konvertierung nicht möglich ist, gehen ggf. Informationen verloren.
Bei Fragen zur 1st Pty TAPI Schnittstelle wenden Sie sich doch einfach an unseren Presales Support, wir beantworten Ihre Fragen gerne.
1 Supported TAPI Functions
1.1 General Line Capabilities
API Version 0x00010003 to 0x00020000
- Calls are dropped when closing the line
- Answering a call puts the existing call on hold
- Maximum Number of active calls: 99
1.1.1 Addressmodes
- AddressID (Index)
- Dialable Address (Digits)
1.1.2 Supported Bearermodes
- Speech transmission
- Voice transmission
1.1.3 Supported Line Features
- Outgoing calls (MakeCall) is supported
1.2 Make Call Capabilities
- Maximum Number of active calls: 99
- Addressmode: AddressID (Index) Supported
- Addressmode: Dialable Address (Digits) Supported
- A destination address can be dialed on this address for making a call
- Dial the destination number for the call (lineDial) is supported
- Outgoing calls (lineMakeCall) is supported
1.3 Address Features
1.3.1 Call Features
- Accept the call (lineAccept)
- Answer the call (lineAnswer)
- Perform a blind transfer on the call (lineBlindTransfer)
- Complete the call (lineCompleteCall)
- Complete the call transfer (lineCompleteTransfer)
- Dial the destination number for the call (lineDial)
- Drop the call (lineDrop)
- Put the call on hold (lineHold)
- Set call parameters (lineSetCallParams)
- Set up a transfer (lineSetupTransfer)
- Perform a swap hold operation (lineSwapHold)
- Take the call off hold (lineUnhold)
1.3.2 Call Information Messages
- One of the calledID-related fields of the call-information record
1.3.3 Caller ID Support
- Caller ID Address
- Caller ID name
- Called ID Address
- Called ID name
1.3.4 Call States Supported
- Accepted
- Connected
- Dialing
- Dialtone
- Disconnected (remote)
- Idle
- Offering
- Proceeding (proceeding through the switch after dialing)
- Unknown
1.3.5 Number of Calls
- Max number active calls : 99
- Max number on hold calls: 99
- Max number on hold pending calls: 99
- Max number of calls in a conference: 0
- Max number of calls in a conference (completed transfer): 0
1.4 Supported TSP functions
File version:
Exported Functions:
- TSPI_providerConfig
(dummy implementation, does nothing) - TSPI_providerEnumDevices
- TSPI_providerInit
- TSPI_providerInstall
- TSPI_providerRemove
- TSPI_providerShutdown
- TSPI_lineAnswer
- TSPI_lineBlindTransfer
- TSPI_lineClose
- TSPI_lineCloseCall
- TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer
- TSPI_lineConditionalMediaDetection
(dummy implementation, does nothing) - TSPI_lineDial
- TSPI_lineDrop
- TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps
- TSPI_lineGetAddressID
- TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus
- TSPI_lineGetCallAddressID
- TSPI_lineGetCallInfo
- TSPI_lineGetCallStatus
- TSPI_lineGetDevCaps
- TSPI_lineGetDevConfig
- TSPI_lineGetID
- TSPI_lineGetLineDevStatus
- TSPI_lineGetNumAddressIDs
- TSPI_lineHold
- TSPI_lineMakeCall
- TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion
- TSPI_lineOpen
- TSPI_lineSetAppSpecific
- TSPI_lineSetDefaultMediaDetection
- TSPI_lineSetDevConfig
(dummy implementation, does nothing) - TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages
(dummy implementation, does nothing) - TSPI_lineSetupTransfer
- TSPI_lineSwapHold
- TSPI_lineUnhold
- TSPI_providerGenericDialogData
(dummy implementation, does nothing) - TSPI_providerUIIdentify
- TUISPI_providerConfig
(dummy implementation, does nothing) - TUISPI_providerInstall
- TUISPI_providerRemove
- TUISPI_lineConfigDialog
(dummy implementation, does nothing)
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