Note: This article applies to SwyxWare v12.0x or older. If you want to activate a SwyxWare v12.10 or later, please use this article: "Howto: Swyx Flex & Swyx Purchase Model - Activation Process".
SwyxWare uses online licensing in the new Swyx Flex model. This means that the SwyxServer of a customer on-premises installation contacts the central Swyx license server at regular intervals.
The Swyx License Server is aware of all orders placed with the new Swyx Operator.
The activation process ensures that a SwyxWare installation is linked to the correct Swyx Operator order.
For the activation process you need access to the SwyxWare installation of the customer as well as to the Swyx Operator order.
Option 1: Activation during SwyxWare installation
The following instruction explains the necessary steps of the activation process during the installation of a SwyxWare. Prerequisite is that you have already placed an order via Swyx Operator with the corresponding start date. The order process in Swyx Operator is described here.
Step 1: Select Online Licensing
After the installation of SwyxWare at the customer, the SwyxWare Configuration Wizard is started automatically. During the individual dialogs of the Configuration Wizard, which are also described in the manual, the new selection for the licensing model appears - see picture.
To link a SwyxWare with a Swyx Flex order, means to activate it, select Online Licensing in the dialog and click Next.
If you only want an evaluation installation, i.e. if you only want to test SwyxWare, no order in the Swyx Operator is necessary. In this case you can activate the checkbox Evaluation installation. Following you will receive a fully functional SwyxWare with a limited runtime of 30 days and the following evaluation licenses: See manual
Step 2: Connection test to Swyx license server
Please click on the Connect button to perform a connection test to the license server. If this test was successful, you will receive a confirmation in the dialog (see red marked text in the image).
If the connection test was not successful, you will be asked to configure a proxy and optionally an authentication at the proxy, so that the SwyxServer can contact the Swyx License Server successfully. If you want to connect your firewall directly, the SwyxServer must be able to reach the Swyx License Server under the IP address, Port 443 (https).
Step 3: Copy activation key
In the following dialog the unique activation key for your SwyxWare installation is displayed. With the button Copy you can copy it to the clipboard and enter it in the corresponding order in Swyx Operator. If you do not have access to Swyx Operator and your order, send the activation key to the Swyx Partner who placed the order for you.
Step 4: Navigate to the order in Operator
After you have logged into Swyx Operator as a Swyx Partner, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to your customer in the Swyx Operator (e.g. by entering the customer name in the main search field). The customer will be displayed in the top left corner, directly below the Swyx logo.
- Click on Swyx in the left menu to view all Swyx Flex orders of this customer.
- Then click on the desired order number. The above page will be displayed as follows.
- At the top of the order overview you can see several headings. Click here on Tenant to see the overview shown in the picture.
Step 5: Assign activation key to the order
- Now paste the activation key copied from the SwyxWare configuration wizard (see step 3) into the License Key field and press the Activate button.
- Swyx Operator will acknowledge this process positively:
Step 6: Activate SwyxWare
After you have opened the above dialog in the SwyxWare Configuration Wizard by clicking Next, click on the Activate button here.
Step 7: SwyxWare successfully activated - Continue and exit configuration wizard
After you have successfully activated SwyxWare in the previous step, the Activate button will be grayed out and the successful activation will be confirmed in the Configuration Wizard (see picture: Activation was successful).
Continue with the SwyxWare Configuration Wizard and close it successfully. The steps are explained in the manual.
Step 8: Optional control in Swyx Operator
In the Swyx Operator you can check the successful activation and linking of SwyxWare with the order. Check the content of the Activation Date field of the order. This field shows the time at which the SwyxWare was activated.
Option 2: Subsequent activation of SwyxWare, or activation with another order
The following instruction explains the necessary steps of the activation process if you want to link an already used SwyxWare installation with a new order. Prerequisite is that you have already placed an order via Swyx Operator with the corresponding start date. The order process in Swyx Operator is described here.
Step 1: Create new activation key
- To create a new activation key, open SwyxControlCenter and navigate to General Settings / Licenses and Features in the menu.
- Click on the button Create Activation Key.
- Confirm the following query with Yes.
Step 2: Copy Activation Key
- The successful creation of the activation key is displayed at the top of the page.
- Then click on the button next to the activation key itself to copy it to the clipboard.
Step 3: Navigate to the order in Operator
After you have logged into Swyx Operator as a Swyx Partner, proceed as follows:
- Navigate to your customer in the Swyx Operator (e.g. by entering the customer name in the main search field). The customer will be displayed in the top left corner, directly below the Swyx logo.
- Click on Swyx in the left menu to view all Swyx Flex orders of this customer.
- Then click on the desired order number. The above page will be displayed as follows.
- At the top of the order overview you can see several headings. Click here on Tenant to see the overview shown in the picture.
Step 4: Assign activation key to the order
- Now paste the activation key copied from the SwyxWare configuration wizard (see step 3) into the License Key field and press the Activate button.
- Swyx Operator will acknowledge this process positively:
Step 5: Activate SwyxWare
- Then click on the Activate button in SwyxControlCenter as well. From this point on your SwyxWare is linked to the new order in Swyx Operator.
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