Sometimes Remote Inquiry does not find any voicemails when Microsoft Exchange 2007 or 2010 is used as mail server.
SwyxServer uses IMAP4 to retrieve voicemails from a user's email inbox. To do this, a standard IMAP4 query is used asking the mailserver to return mails with a specific header. Microsoft Exchange sometimes executes this query without error, but does not return any result.
If you have this problem you can configure SwyxServer with the following registry key to not query with specific header lines, but to retrieve all emails and filter voicemails locally:
Path | HKLM\SOFTWARE[\Wow6432Node]\Swyx\IpPbxIMAP4\CurrentVersion\\Options |
Type | REG_DWORD |
Name | FetchOnlyVoicemails |
Value | 0 |
Description | If zero IMAP search will be done without querying for X-IpPbx… Header. |
Note: With this setting SwyxServer retrieves the complete email list of a user's inbox on each remote inquiry. Only email headers are retrieved, but nevertheless performance could suffer if the inbox contains a lot of emails.
More Informations:
Another cause for this problem could be the Exchange Header Firewall sein. See Remote Inquiry maybe doesn't work with MS Exchange 2007
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