SwyxWare, SwyxWare Compact, SwyxExpress
General information about Swyx Server
- Supported operating systems for Swyx 14
- Swyx 14 - system requirements
- Swyx Control Center 3.25 / 13.25 with Windows Server 2012 R2
- Exchange Online - Deprecation of Basic authentication
- Update of SwyxWare with Swyx Flex licenses to version 12.00
- INFO: General information about the Swyx Soft- and Hardware Support
Tips & Tricks
- Expiry of the Swyx Remote Connector certificate for all SwyxWare versions up to 14.01
- Federated Authentication with Microsoft Azure AD in SwyxWare using Powershell
- Set up bidirectional Swyx / Microsoft Teams presence status synchronization with PowerShell
- License conversion from SwyxWare Compact for Data Center SDC to Swyx Flex
- Re-Starting Push Notification Service manually
- How-to send SwyxWare Voicemails to Microsoft 365
- Which Ports are used by Swyx 14
- New download path for phone whitelist update
- Confirmation of licence-free use of SwyxWare music on hold
- Which Ports are used by SwyxWare 13
- Which Ports are used by SwyxWare v12
- Converting an SDC-Instance into a CPE-Server is not possible
SwyxServer Release Notes
- Swyx 14.11
- Swyx 14.10
- New Push Notification Service for Swyx 13
- SwyxWare Product History
- Swyx 13.33
- Swyx 14.01